Jane is the founder and CEO of PDA East Africa Ltd (Tanzania, Rwanda and Uganda). She is a skilled human resource management and development, organizational effectiveness, and institutional development expert.
For over 10yrs, she has help businesses maximise the efficiency of the HR operations, people data science and implement appropriate policies and procedures. She has been addressing HR problem and tackle them with assessment, audit, proposals and implement designed policy to address the deficit and drive organisational change.
With the drive in organizational effectiveness, she amplify organization management tools, develops customized competency frameworks, develops organization management policies and strategies, perform decentralization and power delegation, documentation and records management, provide mechanisms of organization control and accountability, and evaluation of organization policies, programs and projects.
As an institutional expert, she participated in conducting studies, designing, implementing, follow up and evaluation of the national development strategies and development project. She provided the necessary support to government agencies for building capacities and continuous improvement of the performance of the public sector. She designed, implement, and evaluate training curriculums, measure the return on investment, aligned them with institutional vision and quality assurance regional/international standards.
She has been liaising, advising, researching and contributing to books and articles in the development sector and academics with University of London SOAS (Dr Mark McQuinn) specifically on poverty reduction strategies in Tanzania.
She has been an operational, strategist and advisory mentor to Tanzania - Women, infants, and Community Outreach Foundation (WICOF) and Uganda - Zimba Women.
She is an adviser of East Africa Productive Trainers Board, the board that dedicate to promote the economic productivity of human resources capital through mobilization of voluntary training resources to empower talents, careers and professions to attain sustainable economic productivity for community economic development.
She is a partner at PDA International USA, Top Performance Africa Rwanda, Tanzania Institute of Bankers TIOB and Ras Kiroko Villas Tanzania. She is a certified behaviour analyst holding degrees in business administration, psychology and MBA human resource management.